Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
Diocese of New York & New Jersey
830 Jefferson Ave, Rahway, NJ
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, is a Parish of the Orthodox Church in America serving the City of  Rahway, New Jersey, and our surrounding communities. Our parish exists to proclaim the Gospel of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ to all people, to teach by word and deed, to inspire all to lead a life of Orthodox Christian belief, worship, and service to others. We uphold and pass on the traditions as Christ Himself taught the Apostles. Orthodox Christians are committed to an intimate journey with God through a life of personal prayer, fasting, scripture, and alms giving, while being nourished by our common worship in the Divine Liturgy, particpating in the preciuous and life giving Eucharist, bringing the light of Christ to our community.  Come and see!

Get to Know the Original Christian Faith:

We are Orthodox:

“We’re not Jewish, but we are Orthodox. Orthodox means true believer”


We are Catholic:

“We’re not Roman, but we are Catholic. Catholic is another word for Universal”


The Bible Came From Us:

“We’re not Protestants, but the Bible came from us and our earliest God-fearing ancestors”


We Are Pre-Denominational:

“We are not Denominational, we’re Pre-Denominational. Our church was established before any other Christian denomination existed”

Come, See, and Experience the Ancient and Rich Tradition of American Orthodox Christianity!



Honoring Rahway First Responders
Blessing fo First Responders
RAHWAY NJ: Blessing for First Responders

Holy Trinity Church in Rahway NJ sponsored an event for the blessing of First Responder vehicles on Sunday 22 July 2018. In commemoration of Prophet Elijah (remembered on 20 July), the parish invited First Responders of the city of Rahway for a vehicle blessing. The day began with a short prayer service in front of the church, followed by the blessing of fire trucks, police cars, ambulance, and parish vehicles.


All present were anointed with blessed oil from the tomb of Christ, sang “Memory Eternal” for those who lost their lives in our service, and “Many Years” to all First Responders. Lunch was provided by two local restaurants and served in the parish fellowship room.


The First responders have asked the parish to consider moving the event to September so more men & women may attend.


“Their appreciation was humbling,” said Father Theodore Gregory (parish rector), “and the fellowship priceless!”



Weekly Schedule



First and Third Saturday: Great Vespers 6:00 PM


Sunday's: Divine Liturgy 9:30 AM*







  *Preceded by 3rd and 6th Hours at 9:10 AM


Monthly Calendar of Church Services

Upcoming Services

Visit www.nynjoca.org for Live-Streaming of all services

until further notice due to the Covid-19 quarantine. 


Your Address:

Save the Date

Visit nynjoca.org 

for Streaming Worship services

During the Covid-19 Quarantine



Beginning Sunday, March 15, 2020


God is Merciful and Loves Mankind!


The Path
The Path

Ancient Faith Radio
Ancient Faith Radio
Our Parish

Around the Parish

(11 images)